Saraswati Vidyalaya, Rabodi, Thane conducted Newspaper influencer competition organized by NIE newspaper on 13 th December 2024. In the ever evolving world of social media and digital marketing influencers have become a prominent force in shaping trends and opinion. NIE Newspaper organized an influencer competition to find the big Newspaper reading star. The competition invited aspiring students of STD VIII to pitch their idea on ‘Benefits of Reading Newspaper’. The competition received an overwhelming response of ten participants from STD VIII. Each participant brought their unique style and voice, making the selection process a challenging one by the Judges.
The winners were declared by our honorable Principal Mrs. Poonam bhogle.
The first Prize bagged by Tagi Rangare, Second Prize won by Amrutha Kulkarni and Swara Darvgade bagged the third prize.
The competition showcased the power of influencers among the Youngers. The competition was graced with the presence of our honorable Principal Mrs.Poonam Bhogle , coordinator Mrs. Rakhi Khanna and Mrs.Kapil Kulkarni.